
You are what you eat!

Consider this deeply for a second, if that's really true, what are you?

This consideration led me to dramatically alter my diet a few years ago and pursue a more mindful connection with what I ate. I started to pay attention to what made me feel good, and what made me feel bad. How did my body react to certain foods? Was I digesting everything fully? How frequent were my bowl movements? How was the quality of my energy that day?

All this questioning and reflecting helped me to improve my diet gradually over an extended period of time. I started to eat more like a yogi without knowing the first thing about how yogis ate. Certain foods started to repel me as I asked my body each time before I ate something "Do you want to eat this? Is this good for you?". As I avoided some food I started noticing SMELLS when other people were cooking or eating a certain food around me. Some scents started making me feel nauseous after I had removed that food from my diet. Some things surprised me, GARLIC? Really? I would taste something with garlic in it and immediately want to spit it out. My body was telling me exactly what foods to avoid. I just had to tune in and listen to it more deeply.

After a short time refining my diet, I decided to do something dramatic for me at the time. I stopped eating meat. I had made up my mind after feeling what my body did when I ate meat, I decided I didn't want to eat anything dead. If I wanted to become FULLY ALIVE in my own body. I had to only consume that which is ALIVE.

This may be a graphic example, but if you are what you eat... Do you want to be a slab of dead meat that's been sitting on ice in the grocery store for the last two weeks? Or months inside a can? Slowly decaying the whole time...

I would rather be a plant, that's still alive in it's cells sitting on the grocery store shelf. Still alive so that even after I eat it, I can place the stalk in some water and grow some new roots, then plant it in the ground and grow a whole new plant.

I didn't want to be pre-processed or pre-cooked.

So this led me to a very Satvic diet. Where most of what I consume is alive, raw, and unprocessed.