
Massage Style

There are many styles and techniques to massage, these are each referred to as modalities. Every massage therapist must have specific training to offer specific modalities. Most massages given by a therapist with training in many modalities are not entirely one modality, rather a blend of techniques from different modalities which the therapist employs to address the specific body type or issues they are treating the client for. 

My standard technique I use is a blend of all my modalities leaning most heavily on deep tissue, trigger point, and body balancing. Changes to my technique to incorporate other modalities are made based on client requests, feedback, body type, and table vs mat work. 

While I do great work on both a table and a mat, I personally prefer mat based styles. 

Mat massage is performed without a sheet and the client does not remove any clothing. It's recommended the client wear loose and/or flexible sport clothing when receiving a massage on a mat (yoga or gym attire). Mat massage utilizes more facilitated stretching and movement of the body and is typically not targeting full client relaxation, rather focuses body alignment, injury recovery, flexibility improvement, circulation, release of fascial tissues. It is a more active style of massage for both practitioner and receiver. 

Benefits Of Massage

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into:

Massage can also help specifically address a number of health issues. 

Bodywork can: